Main page > The program

Transylvania Authentica is a program of the Environmental Partnership Foundation and is seeking to establish ways in which to ensure the survival of Transylvania's incredibly rich agrarian culture and its traditional foods and agricultural products, by bringing together the region’s smaller producers and manufacturers.

The program is offering the right of using the Transylvania Authentica trademark to products and services that respect the specific eligibility standards emitted by the Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation, meaning that they have traditional origin, high quality and are produced in environmentally friendly conditions.

Mission: Transylvania Authentica seeks to protect the region’s unique natural and cultural heritage by promoting and developing sustainable traditional livelihoods.


  • To recognize the inherent economic value of Transylvania's remarkable heritage,
  • To encourage greater use of Transylvania's environmental and cultural heritage as business assets,
  • To promote distinctive high quality products and services rooted in the region and tradition,
  • To link producers to market opportunities and to each other, and to guide consumer choice,
  • To support small business development and reward sustainable business practices,
  • To empower communities and enable the choice to stay local.

The conditions of gaining the right to use the registered trade mark and the functioning of the product certification system are described in the Operational Rules attached below.

Operational Rules


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